It is important for me to raise awareness of women of relatively young age, 30,32,34.

To fertility problems. Even in this age thier ovaries may be in a condition similar to women over the age of 40. The reasons are mainly genetic, but may also be the result of enviromental exposure or surgeries. Low ovarian reseve might influence the chance for a healthy pregnancy, and therefore it is advisable to check for ovarian reserve and follow up with an IVF specialist. It is becomimgn even more important these days since women today report the establishment of the family and the birth of children at much older age. It is estimated that about 10% of women will enter menopause at a relatively early age. For women up to age 35 I recommend freezing eggs only. In women over the age of 35, the subject is more complicated and accurate assessment of ovarian reserve will help us make the optimal joint decision (whether to freeze eggs only or in addition embryos too).

It is important to note that the preservation of social productivity is not subsidized in the health basket and not in private insurance, with the exception of the insurance of the Meuhedet Health Fund (for insurance owners for at least two years). Fertility conservation is a special field in fertility medicine, and my personal experience in this field will help you in this process.

Dr. Katy Shlush 
Fertility Clinic

I am an OBGYN specialist and fertility specielist focusing on fertility preservation male infertility and endometriosis ​ I am an attending physician at the Rambam medical center IVF unit and mannage the endometriosis clinic.
​I am fascinated by the hormonal changes of the human fertility system and I constantly study them to improve fertility outcomes

“Helping women with fertility problems is one of the most important goals in my life.”

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